Say goodbye to your good ol' apricot scrubs and hello to the Neogen Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Wine! With both the benefits of physical and chemical exfoliation, I guarantee you these pads are unlike any other exfoliators you've tried before.

Neogen Bio Peel Gauze Peeling Wine at Nudie Glow Best Korean Beauty Store Australia

These pads are soaked in an amazing concoction of red wine, glycolic acid and lactic acid, which effectively slough away dead skin cells and impurities while hydrating the skin. Red wine extract is a fermented ingredient that contains natural occurring alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) that help with the exfoliation process. It’s also a powerful antioxidant because it contains resveratrol, which fights free radicals that lead to unwanted pigmentation and wrinkles. Glycolic acid and lactic acid also helps refine your skin texture, unclog and clean out dead skin cells and debris.
Each jar of the Neogen Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling contains 30 pads, so it will last quite awhile since they're not meant for daily use. I love the jars these pads come in. They're thick, clear, quality plastic with a secure lid to prevent evaporation of the liquid contained within. The pads are easy to remove, and I love the fact you can always see how many pads are left in the jar.
How to Use
After cleansing, take out one gauze and slip your fingers into the sleeve of the gauze peeling wine pad with the criss-crossed gauze side facing down. Gently sweep across the face and neck in upward and outward motion avoiding eye area. Next, flip the pad so that the gauze side is facing up and the soft, quilted side is facing down. Swipe the softer side across the face to pick up any remaining debris. Apply more to problem areas and rinse with lukewarm water. Follow with toner and the remaining steps of your skincare routine. *For best results, use twice a week or as needed.*
Not only does the Neogen Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Wine smells heavenly (like sweet grapes!), the results on my skin have been incredible! After using it only a couple times, my skin already looks and feels brighter and more radiant, while the texture of my skin is so much more refined. I also realized that this exfoliator helped speed up the turnaround time of blemishes and encourage less scarring. It makes my other skincare products apply beautifully, and has given my skin an all-round healthy glow!

Neogen Bio Peel Gauze Peeling Wine Review Before After Results at Nudie Glow Best Korean Beauty Store Australia

You can get these amazing Neogen Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Wine at Nudie Glow!